Monday, May 17, 2021

May 17 My dear Jesse

Monday:   41 years ago at 8:17 in the morning, Jesse Christopher was born. He was exactly eight pounds and 20 inches. He was perfect. I was 26, nearly 27, when he was born. It felt like I had waited a very long time to become a mother, and I was SO happy to finally be one! 

There were other circumstances that happened in close proximity to Jesse's birth ... tons of sad things had happened with Jesse's dad--and I then began about a seven year journey of trying to "fix" everything, which of course was impossible. 

I remember designing Jesse's birth announcement--back in the days when I did calligraphy and didn't have a computer. I loved these verses from Acts 17 so much--and I still do--because they are very precious, comforting, and if believed--they are life changing. I'm so glad that He sought fit to enable us to become His children, HIS offspring. It amazes me--and I never get tired of thinking about it ... and of Him being NEAR to each one of us.

I made Jesse's birthday card, once again, around this theme and this passage ... I hope he isn't sick of me doing that. Hopefully he will understand why these verses are so important and beautiful and so full of hope.

I have something on order for Jesse's birthday--it will not come before mid-June, but Jesse knows that. It's some technical device for his phone and his car that I don't really understand--but that's OK. I also treated him to lunch at Tommy Brann's Steakhouse today. We had such a nice time together and I am very thankful for that. Thank you, Lord, for letting me be a mother and for giving Jesse to me as my firsborn son.

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