Wednesday, May 26, 2021

May 25 CPS Graduation Ceremony

Tuesday Night:  I'm going to TRY to notate the graduation ceremony correctly--I DO have the program right in front of me to help me with names.

I was there early (naturally) because of those pre-grad pictures Emma wanted me to take. I got a very decent parking place at 5:30 and even though we were finished with pictures before 6:00, I didn't move my car or go ANYwhere for the next hour. I walked around and took various pictures though. 

The ceremony was held OUTSIDE (due to COVID restrictions) ... right on their beautiful football field.

This is the band getting set up and getting their instruments ready.
The graduates walked in to the traditional "Pomp and Circumstance" played by the band ... there's Emma! (below) ... can you see her? Obviously, I don't have a very good zoom on my camera ...
The students walked in from opposite sides and joined 2 x 2 in the middle, walked down the aisle and found their assigned seat. Here comes Emma ...

I took my eyes off of her for about one second ... and then I couldn't find where she had been assigned to sit! FINALLY, Jesse helped me to spot her.
We all stood to sing our National Anthem, "Star Spangled Banner" and everyone was super respectful during it. I sang the words, although not many people did.
Krista Osmun gave a brief welcome message to the Senior Class, and then the band was introduced and played a piece called "Kenesis" by Michael Sweeney (which I had never heard before--PLUS, the wind made it difficult to hear the instruments).

This is Elizabeth Schaner and Kyler Smith instroducing the band number ...
Then ... I missed some awards ... one for the outstanding senior male and female students. I listened to all of it, I just didn't take any pictures. 

The commencement speaker was Mr. Nathan Rodriguez, a former Comstock Park teacher (middle school) who has now moved out of state and is currently still teaching. 
The Assistant Principal, Tony Petkus, presented the Salutatorian ...
... and here she is--Krista Osmun. Interestingly, her twin sister--Julia--is the Valedictorian ... but I failed to take any pictures of Julia. Both sisters gave very moving speaches to their classmates. I know Emma appreciated them a lot (she told me so), plus Krista is a close friend.

So the Valedictorian gave her speech, then there was a presentation of the Class Gift (which is a podium), and then it was time for the graduates to receive their diplomas. Here comes Emma ...

And then it was time for the grads to switch their tassels to the other side of their caps ...

This was taken right before they tossed their caps in the air (which I completely missed taking a picture of) ... Emma's tassel is now MISSING (sadly) ...
Tsian Hawkins gave some closing remarks--he is a very interesting fellow--an amusing and interesting speaker. And that was it!
The entire ceremony was about 90 minutes ... and the rain held off until everyone was out of the stadium, and only then did it start to drizzle! 

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