Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Out at Ada Township Park

I drove over to Ada Township Park this afternoon to check out a few last minute details for our rehearsal dinner on Friday night. It's SO beautiful out there!
Everything is so lush and green ... and gorgeous! This is the view of the fish ponds from the gazebos.
Look at these mushrooms! I've never seen them growing out of a tree before ... they were everywhere!

Just a little bit behind the area where we are having the rehearsal dinner, there are pathways that lead to a butterfly sanctuary. It was a very warm and sunny afternoon, so I thought I'd just take a quick peek to see if I could photograph some butterflies out in the wild ...
But I only saw TWO butterflies and they were far far into the fields of flowers where I couldn't go. There are signs all along the pathways telling visitors NOT to stray OFF of them. So I didn't!

I had a little mishap while I was at the park today ... but it had a happy ending, and one I'm thankful about ...

I hate wearing glasses ... so I don't (!) ... unless I absolutely have to! I have to wear them when I am driving ~ it even designates that fact on my driver's license ... so I'm stuck! But I don't really need glasses to SEE except for distance. And I didn't need glasses one single bit until I was about 40 years old ... I was just too old to make that huge of a change in my life! So I have resisted.

When I parked my car and started walking at Ada Park this afternoon, I had my glasses on. I usually whip them off my face as soon as I put the car in park! But I had walked quite a way today before I realized I was still wearing them. It was very hot this afternoon and my face was uncomfortable with glasses resting on my nose ... so I just took them off and put them on top of my head ... out of the way!

The pathways that lead out to the butterfly sanctuary kind of weave in and out of high grasses and woods. I had been deep in the woods for about 20 minutes when a bee kind of dive-bombed at my head and I jerked suddenly ... only to realize my glasses were NOT on my head! They were not anywhere to be seen!

Oh great, I thought. I've had a few days in a row now where I've been more than usually scatter-brained ... and I hate that feeling of being ... stupid! It's disorienting and aggravating! So I started re-tracing my steps ... backwards through the woods and the high grasses and the pathways, trying to figure out where I could possibly have dropped my glasses. I had covered a huge amount of ground in my walk and I couldn't even exactly remember which pathways I had walked! I felt like I was close to a panic about it ... yikes! My glasses! I can't drive without them! I am low on cash presently ... how would I afford to replace them? And when would I have time to get that done before the wedding this weekend? All of these questions and fears just poured into my brain.

And then I began to pray. God says that when we are afraid, we need to talk to Him! So I told Him everything! And I asked Him to PLEASE help me find my glasses!
I retraced what I thought were my steps ... twice ... NO glasses. I kept praying! And then I remembered those mushrooms! I thought they were SO weird growing out of those trees, and one time I bent right over to get my camera nice and close ... and that's where my glasses fell right off my head ... and I never noticed!

So ... thanks Lord! Thank You for helping me find my glasses today ... even IF I don't like wearing them!


Thursday said...

I have been having a lot of scatter-brained moments over the past few days, too. Last week I found that I had sprung in a laundry detergent bottle and it had been leaking steadily for DAYS. And then this morning I found I hadn't closed my freezer door properly last night. And as I was driving to work, telling my mom about how stupid I felt, I realized I had to turn back to get my keys for the office.

I have been blaming it on grief, but after reading your story I wonder if maybe it's something in the Grand Rapids air....

So great that God brought you back to your glasses, and before any deer walked over them!

John Westra said...

I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed your time at Ada Park. It is a tremendous community asset. Our Park Director, Mark Fitzpatrick does a wonderful job maintaining all our parks. He would love to hear from you about your positive experience!


John Westra, MCP,CCP
Ada Township Trustee

judy hand said...

It is Grand Rapids air or something
malfunctioning in my brain. David
couldn't find his car keys and we
had all seen them on the window seat.
So, the hunt began and David was not
a happy camper. He took the spare
key, and when he came back I told
him to look every place he had been
here. He did including refrigerator
furniture cushions. On a whim I
looked in my purse and there they
were with big orange hook. I had
flopped my purse on top of them
when I came home from store and
then must have picked them up with
my purse and put them all away.
Well at least we all had a good
laugh at my motto, put your stuff