Thursday, April 10, 2014

Matthew is NINE today!

Grandchildren grow up rather quickly I'm finding … TODAY Matthew is nine! This is so hard for me to believe, but it is nonetheless TRUE. 
The pictures above are on Matthew's second birthday. I love his beautiful blue eyes . . . 
Matthew is pretty full of energy … almost always just as full of FUN. He loves to run, play, build, draw, make stuff . . . 
And he is very good around smaller children too … these pictures are of Matthew playing with his cousin, Brendan, included here because I just love the expression on Matthew's face ~ he's such a sweetie.
I love both of their expressions here!
 These two pictures were taken back when Matt was living in Texas . . . so GLAD he is not 1600 miles away anymore!

This picture cracks me up with his bike helmet!

You have such a nice smile, Matthew! You have a kind heart too. I love it when you come over to play at my house. You are learning to play the piano very nicely, teaching yourself as you go! Very impressive!
I'm glad you are my grandson, Matthew. You are a special boy in every way. I pray for you and ask that God will give you a heart to know Him, love Him, and follow Him all of your days.
Happy birthday to a much-loved grandson!

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