Sunday, May 29, 2016

Brendan came over to play after work Thursday. He wasn't sure exactly what he wanted to play with!
 Usually, Brendan is not at a loss when he comes over here, but he just wasn't sure what he wanted to do this week! We tried playing a game of "Trouble" but that was way too boring for Brendan. I agree! So we went back to the toy room and got our marble run off the high shelf, took it into the main room and ...
 That was exactly what was needed. Brendan was very pleased to have something to explore and build with. He is very intense about his building projects.
 Thankfully, these tubes are easy to assemble and it is always fun to watch the marbles take the first run.
 We also ate pizza, painted with watercolors, played with Playdoh and enjoyed each other hugely.
You are growing up so FAST, Brendan. I love you, dear.

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