Sunday, May 15, 2016

This little boy ...

 Brendan was over at my house Thursday evening and I took a few pictures of him--although I nearly forgot to (hard to believe, but true!). 
 We had gotten all snuggly in our p.j.'s before I realized I hadn't had my camera out even once since Brendan came home from work with me.
 So I took a few pictures of this little boy to chronicle our evening together. As you can see, we made a couch fort. Brendan was just thrilled with this.

 I have no idea what this expression (below) means ... I think Brendan is pretty tired at this point.

 We played piano for awhile. I had our instruments out and accompanied Brendan on the piano. He was using this moracco as a microphone.

 We played with LEGOs for quite awhile too. They are always a huge hit with Brendan.

I neglected to take a picture of the nice house, attached garage and school that we built using three different sets of wooden blocks in the playroom. Brendan was the engineer and designer. GRANDMA (moi!) was the builder, carefully following all of Brendan's instructions. He is something, this little boy ...

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