Tuesday, May 10, 2016

This little love ...

I spent the early afternoon with my mom on Mother's Day. We ate a small picnic lunch and played a game of Scrabble together. And then, since Dylan was still in Boston and would not return until very much later in the day, I went over to hang out with Kelly and this little love ...
 We were inside for awhile, but then Brendan spied his little friend, Emily, outside with her dad riding her bike in front of the house. Brendan is very social! Up and away he was with his own bike (and dinosaur helmet) ...
 This is Emily's driveway. Their near neighbor, who used to run a daycare, has a nice playground that abutts the property with a little gate that the kids can use to enter. We all played there for awhile.
 It was a gorgeous spring day! It was so much fun to watch Brendan and Emily chum around together.
 Kelly made us a nice dinner, and then we played inside for awhile. Brendan loves his helmet so much, he didn't take it off until it was time for his bath!
 We played with his toys and talked awhile ...
 It is easy to talk to Brendan. He is interested in every single thing.
 He has a very happy little heart and loves to laugh and play.

 Brendan had a nice relaxing bath, and then it was time for bed. I got to tuck Brendan in! We read a few stories together. Naturally, we read "The Gruffalo" and "The Gruffalo's Child" because we love those books. 
 We read our Little bunny book too, and a few others.

 We talked for awhile, laughed, and then it was time to settle down with Elmo and Bill the Owl and go sleepy-bye.
Good-night you little sweetheart!

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