Saturday, February 10, 2024

February 8 with KT

Thursday:  Nothing terribly unusual about our afternoon here at the Beach House. Kaity played games on her phone while I fussed around in the kitchen and at my desk with photos. We ate a yummy chicken fettuccine dinner (Kaity even had TWO helpings!), and then drove over to Altitude.

I didn't get their pictures--but we met some new kids tonight. There were FOUR of them from the same family: Asaph (13), Ezri (female, 11), Barringer (9), and Abijah (7). Interesting names. They have another brother by the name of Obadiah, who is younger. They are home schooled. They go to Maranatha Bible Church over off Lamereaux. Nice kids. Kaity and Ayden (yes! Ayden showed up at 7:15! He had been super sick for a few days, but was okay tonight) included them in their game of "tag" tonight. Kenzie and Harper showed up at about 7:30, and everyone ran around and made me dizzy trying to follow them!

Here are a few pictures of Kaity:

Kaity looks like a juvenile female wrestler in these pictures. Yikes!

It was good to see Ayden tonight. We had heard he was sick and felt sad for him. He looked a little pale in the face, but other than that, he seemed normal and fine. He sure is a nice kid. 

Kaity and I had more sad conversations tonight. I am glad she feels free to tell me stuff she is thinking about and hurts her. What matters to Kaity, matters to ME! I love her very much. 

"Lord, please help Kaity through this hard time in her life. Open her eyes and ears and heart to You, the only One who is always with her, died FOR her to bring her into your family, and understands like no one else." 

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