Saturday, April 22, 2017

Emma and I survey the swollen Grand River ...

We had a lot of rain at the end of March and even more in early April. It is always interesting to watch the Grand River when it floods. When Emma and I took these pictures, it was three feet above flood stage. Four years ago, just before the kids returned HOME from Texas, the river was six feet above flood stage and it was really a sight, and a mess to many folk!
It was Sunday afternoon. Ems and I had worshiped at church, eaten a hearty lunch, and decided it was TOO nice to stay INSIDE (well, actually it was ME who decided this); and coaxed Emma into having an adventure with me. This is what I called "stuff" when I urged the children to play outside instead of inside--we would have a Saturday afternoon adventure! And we DID have many good outdoor times together. This flooded car is just on the other side of the river off of Northland Drive 
 Emma and I wondered who on earth left their car so near the river when it was clearly rising!
We drove on over to Ada and the park with the silos (which I did not photograph), and I can't remember the name of the park! Ah--Roselle Park. I love the horses that live next-door to it! Aren't they beautiful? 
 Emma and I climbed all EIGHTY stairs to the top of the look-out deck (which is perpetually and endlessly LOCKED to the public!!) and looked out the windows on the expanding Grand River. What you see below is usually "wet-lands" but NEVER this wet!

 Emma does not like heights .... hmmm!

 Follow the red arrow and THAT is where the Grand River is supposed to be! It was fully a quarter of a mile off its banks.
 Here is Emma Joy freaking out about how HIGH up we are! She cracks me up ... very much.

 And I love her so much I can't even put words to it.
 And here she is (below) doing a model's post right at the edge of danger! :)

We drove further into Ada to the Covered Bridge and explored all around the Thornapple River (which was very swollen too). 

We crossed over the other side (via the bridge) and walked up a little embankment, across the railroad tracks and up to the dam. The sound of the water was amazing. 

We took a very long walk back down and I tried to convince Emma to cross the railroad bridge with me, but she wouldn't have anything to do with that--she is much too sensible! 

What did I love best about this adventure? Laughing with Emma. Walking with Emma. Listening to her thoughts. Photographing Emma's beautiful smile. Sharing God's beauty together. Drinking in the fresh air. Laughing some more. Joking around with each other. Emma, you are a dear dear soul. I could not possibly love you more, sweet granddaughter.

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