Monday, April 24, 2017

Just this ...

This is my Kaity-Girl and her daddy ...
Kaity is very attached to Jesse ... and he is to her as well. There is a lot of love between them and it makes my heart happy--this PICTURE makes my heart happy every time I look at it. There are so many challenges in this little family and sometime my heart is sick as I think it all over. But there is love, too ... and tenderness. Jesse is my firstborn. He has endured much in his life. I am thankful for him even though I do not understand what goes on in his head. I know he loves me and cares about me too, and I know that I could count on him if I asked him for just about anything. 

I am told that most often, Kaity will not go to sleep unless she is attached to Jesse in this way. I love her little heart. Thank you, Lord God, for good things among the hard stuff of life. Please, Lord, take this tenderness in my son and multiply it a million times over for You, first of all, and then the dear folk he is responsible for. 

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