Saturday, August 15, 2020

August 13 Swimming

Thursday:  We have had such a beautiful sunny summer in W. Michigan this year. Despite COVID and everything else that is going on in the world, God has blessed us with wonderful weather to enjoy.

Since Versluis Park officially closed on August 9, I was wondering where on earth Kaity could get some swim time in. My dear friend, Brenda, lives at a beautiful condo complex on the southeast side of town--she very kindly invited Kaity and I to come and swim! YES!

Kaity, Brenda and I swam for more than 90 minutes Thursday afternoon. It was 90 degrees, low humidity, and the water was crystal clear (!!) and warm. It was wonderful.

Before we had gone swimming, Kaity tried out the playground equipment--the playground is within sight of the pool.

These photos don't really show how much fun we had today--but that's OK. After our time with Brenda, we came over to my house and ate a good meal. We played with Matey for a little while too. So thankful for you, Kaity-Girl. You are a delightful little person.

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