Monday, August 31, 2020

August 29 with Kaity

Saturday:  This afternoon began very happily with Kaity and I at my house playing with our magnetic tiles, the dolls, and other toys. Kaity is an excellent builder!

This is Kaity's newest baby doll. She cries real tears if you know how to put the water in her and actually make that happen--but Kaity does!

I don't think I have ever met a little girl who loves dolls more than Kaity.

Kaity made a colorful tile home for Paco ...
... who was very pleased.

It was right about NOW that things began to go quickly downhill ...
Kaity announced she was tired of playing with the tiles and was "bored." 

I made this lovely church (!!), which Kaity smashed flat to the ground, along with the other things she had designed. Hmm. Time to switch up our game I think! So we ate a nice meal, and Kaity played with Matey-Bird while I got things ready to eat.
I suggested that we go to the playground for our last hour, and Kaity readily agreed; however, when we got there, she played for five minutes, ran from place to place, and announced that she didn't want to be there anymore. Rats.
I wasn't sure exactly how to direct Kaity. She was running pretty fast, so by the time I would get to the new place she had run to, she was already finished playing there and on to the next thing ... I don't keep up super well with this ... sigh.
Kaity's expression in this last picture kind of says it all. She was just out of sorts today! I love her right down to her toes ... 
She was quite annoyed with me at this point (because I couldn't keep up with her and had no further exciting ideas--having suggested a few and had them soundly rejected by our little girl already), and she told me I was a "weird old lady" ... 

I have to pray over a few things and see what God will tell me to do under these circumstances in the future. Clearly, Kaity is conflicted at everything that has occurred in her family over the last few months. I really cannot allow her to be disrespectful or disobedient--and primarily, I need to be able to keep her safe when we are together--so even though my heart aches for this dear little one, I won't give up! I WILL trust the Lord with her life. He will help me know what to do.

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