Thursday, August 20, 2020

August 19 in Rockford

 Wednesday:  I drove up to Rockford today to take a hike and look around. Rockford is on the Rogue River. There is a beautiful hiking trail/board walk on one side of the river, and a paved path on the opposite. I walked both of those for a little bit, just to see what I could see. I'll just run the pictures and add a comment or two ...

I ran across this swan family ... and for the next 30 minutes or so, I wandered with them, trying to get some decent shots of them. I couldn't get very close, though, because there was marsh and high grasses all around.

I love swans.

This family of seven has two cygnets that are decidedly brown! For me, this was an unusual sight.
I made a card out of this picture (below) for two separate friends.

The swan family rested for awhile on this little island, where geese were already inhabiting.

The Nature Trail, on the west side of the river is much easier to walk--first of all, because no bikes are allowed on it--no skateboards or roller skates either. There were quite a few bikers on the opposite side of the river that I had to keep yielding to. Over here, the other benefit is SHADE. There isn't much on the other side of the river. But I think the VIEW on the other side is prettier, because all of the pictures of the woods in the background instead of buildings.
This is the Rockford Dam. It's quite a beautiful and peaceful place. The roar of the water is incredible.

These beautiful flowers are everywhere in Rockford!

It was a delightful few hours. I'm glad I did it. I walked shy of two miles, so it was good exercise--even though I wasn't fast walking due to taking so many pictures. It was a perfect day for photography!

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