Tuesday, July 4, 2023

July 1 with KT

Saturday:  Kaity came over for a little while today. She was pretty consumed with playing games on her phone, so I just worked around my little place, tidying up, cutting up fruit, doing a bit of cleaning, etc. 

I decided to make her some chicken and rice--not exactly the way she is used to enjoying it because my oven stopped working last week and the replacement won't be here until Monday--but I have already-cooked chicken that I can add to the rice and broccoli, so she will eat it just fine. 

It took Kaity all of eight minutes to eat what had taken me 35 to prepare, but that was okay. I did up the dishes, cleaned up the kitchen, checked my email, watched a little bit of news, and then suggested that we drive over to Altitude and let Kaity do some jumping. We had talked about this earlier, and she was finally ready!

I didn't take many pictures today while she was jumping. I'm lousy at action shots--never have figured out how to make my camera take stop-action pictures; but I'll post the few I did take.

Kaity has learned how to do a complete body flip from the trampoline unto this giant "pillow" and stick her landing! She's quite pleased with herself about this, and I'll have to tell you, I'm quite impressed as well!

It's times like this, though, that I wish I could turn back the clock and be ELEVEN again (but only just for an hour!) so that I could bounce around on these cool trampolines. It looks like so much fun. I love watching all the different kids and how they jump and do their acrobatic stunts.

I'm very glad we ended up over at Altitude this evening. I love to see Kaity laugh and play like this. She recognized a boy from her school tonight, and the two of them ran around and played together nearly the entire hour. How much better than sitting around looking at a tiny screen in your hand?!?!?!

I am thankful for you, Kaity-dear, and love you to the moon and back.

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