Friday, May 6, 2022

May 1 Andrew and Alison

Sunday Evening:  I was so glad to be able to see my nephew, Andrew, and his darling wife, Alison! They came over for dinner Sunday night. David grilled a bunch of good meat and Carol knocked herself out (as usual) with accompanying "dishes" for us to enjoy. Alison whipped up some mashed potatoes and we sat down to a very delicious meal. 

The best part, naturally, was to catch up with Andrew and Alison. They have had quite a year with selling their home (and becoming practically debt-free in the process), Alison's terrible motorcycle accident and subsequent surgeries -- she is making a very nice recovery and we are all so thankful for that. Andrew sold their motorcycles and purchased a jet ski (which I told everyone here in Michigan that I was going to get to ride--but that plan, sadly, did not work out). Perhaps next year ...

I love Andrew and Alison. They have been married fourteen years this year. They are good friends to each other and are always fun to be with. I am sad they live so far away; otherwise, I would enjoy hanging out with them! I'm so glad we got to catch up a bit tonight. I could sit and listen to them for many wonderful hours. 

Here are a few pictures:

We were not able this year to get together with Chris and Liz, but I did see them via Facetime a couple of times. They are super busy with their work and life in general. We didn't get together with Jon's family either. Starr is due for their sixth baby (#4 daughter) in just a few weeks. Hopefully next year we can plan a reunion of sorts; I would like that very much--including Daniel and Rachel's family too!

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