Saturday, May 28, 2022

May 26 Hungry Alfredo

Thursday:  Kaity and I were a bit at a loss with what to do this afternoon. It was a yucky weather day! PLUS, just before picking Kaity up today I had walked into my bedroom and heard a LOUD buzzing coming from ... where?!?! I thought it was most likely one of those rather odd-shaped flying stink bugs we seem to have no limit of around here--I am not at all leary of them and can KILL them quite readily when needed. However, as many times as I walked in and out of my room, I couldn't locate the source of the buzzing ... UNTIL ... I opened my shade and THEN out flew the most enormous hornet I have ever laid eyes on. Seriously. And it was angry! Obviously, it did not want to be stuck inside of my house and wanted out, and I would gladly have led it to my door if it were willing--but it was too angry to listen!

I closed my bedroom door tightly and went to pick up Kaity. I told her the whole story as we were driving. You see, I have two fly swatters in my house somewhere--but do you think I could locate either one? So we decided that a stop at Lowe's was a necessity. A very British-sounding staff person led us to the fly swatter aisle, but also showed us this very cool tennis-racket style BUG ZAPPER for $10.98 with 2,750 watts of electrical zapping power! I was SOLD.

We got home with our power zapper only to discover that the gynormous hornet was no where to be found in all of my bedroom! Kaity was a bit queezy to do any searching herself (I don't blame her after my description of it). So we closed my door again and played a game of UNO FLIP (I had purchased it at Meijer earlier in the day). We weren't impressed with UNO Flip. Perhaps we'll try it again another day.

We ate some light dinner and then hung around here for awhile and decided to play with our puppets. We found that Alfredo was hungry in the extreme.

Dear, dear Kaity still loves to pretend--I love this about her so much--and set out right away to find something suitable for Alfredo to consume ...
Look at Kaity's dear face ... isn't she precious?
Kaity went to my bins of pretend food and got started ...
At one point, she had him so full of wooden fake food that I thought his belly would burst ...
His dessert was a piece of cake (below) that he couldn't manage to swallow! 

BUT back to our hornet saga ...

I told Kaity that before I took her back to Jesse, I reallly HAD to find that hornet and snuff out its life or I would never be able to sleep in my own bed later on. She decided she was brave enough to come into my room with me this time and plopped herself on my bed, full body, with her head hanging off my bed upside down and her hair hanging to the floor. Suddenly, she said: "Grandma!" At which time she quickly sat up ... "I saw something crawling on your floor!" And sure enough ... there IT WAS ... no long angry, but kind of sluggish looking. I grabbed my brand new, battery-powered, mighty bug zapper and laid it on top of Mr. Hornet. WOW. Snap, crackle and POP! Fried hornet. There were actual SPARKS. Oh my! Kaity was delighted. I scooped up it's deceased carcass with my fly swatter (which I found immediately after arriving home from Lowe's) and flushed it down the toilet.

In retrospect, I should at least have taken a picture of this guy ... when I looked up HORNET on the internet, they had images and MY hornet looked exactly like those dreaded MURDER HORNETS!! Yikes. It would have been good to have proof ... sigh.

PS  On our drive home, Kaity asked me if I would have nightmares tonight about hornets. I assured her I would NOT. But do you know what? I DID! I dreamed (what felt like an hours' long dream) that I lived in a house with very high ceilings and ledges above all of the decorative windows. And guess what? Yes! A HUGE hornet nest was at the top of one of the highest ones. I walked over to the park office to speak to the manager about having the nest removed, and guess who was the park manager? My MOM!!!!. Isn't that the funniest thing ever? She was dressed to the 9's and said she would take care of the hornet nest immediately (this from a woman who locked herself in her master bathroom because I walked into her bedroom at age 11 in a panic about a black cricket that had crawled and remained on my shoulder) ... ha! 

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