Wednesday, May 18, 2022

May 17 Chris's Graduation ceremony

Tuesday:  It was standing room only at Chris's graduation tonight. Thankfully, Jesse and I were able to find a place on the grass, right up to the fence line--and no one was behind us or in front of us. We were not at an optimal place for photos, but we made do!

Chris's best friend, Tyler, is in the picture below ... right smack dab in the middle--see him? He and Chris look enough alike to pass for brothers. Tyler told me that I was NOT where I needed to be to see Chris come in--Chris was coming in on the opposite side of the field with the other half of the class! I managed to climb a small railing (!!) and get over to the other side before it was too late to catch a few pictures of Chris.

Here he is! Tyler and Chris arranged their placements in the procession so that they could "walk" next to each other when it was time to receive their diplomas.
Contratulations, Christopher! Good job!

I believe this is Mr. Holden (below), high school principal, giving the welcoming speech.
On the score board at the end of the field, each graduate was featured (in alphabetical order) with a current picture as well as an infant picture ... I tried to snap my photograph at precisely the right moment ...
This is the keynote speaker, Mrs. Sarah Anderson, delivering the Commencement Address. She has been a teacher at Comstock Park High for several years.
After the speeches were given, it was time to receive their diplomas ...

Here is Chris approaching the stage ...
... shaking hands with board members, etc. ...
And then it was practically OVER ...
... time to switch tassels to the other side of their caps.
Family Photos:

I was glad I could catch a few pictures of Christopher and family. Here are the ones of Chris and Diana:

Chris and Matthew:
I mentioned how Matt is now taller than Chris and got this look from Chris ...
I love these boys ...
Chris and Ella (his girlfriend of more than a year):

Chris and Jesse:

Chris and Emma:

And last of all, this very exhausted-looking old woman (I was even more tired than I look in this photo) and her dear grandson!
Christopher has received a football scholarship to Olivet College for the fall. He is going to take business classes and play football too. Love you so much, Chris!

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