Sunday, May 15, 2022

May 15 More party pictures

Saturday (continued):  It was finally time for little Cal to open his birthday presents. 

Here is "Doodle Duck" the duck finger puppet I got for Cal (see him smiling at his little duck?).

All of the kiddos gathered around to see the card I made for Callaghan. I love making birthday cards for these guys!

This is a nice board book with sturdy flaps to open up ...

Dear Brendan watching ... it was difficult for the kiddos to stay sitting to watch ... they tended to stand up and crowd around Dylan and Callaghan--but they made a really good effort to follow Dylan's instructions to stay seated.
Here is Cal scrunching up his adorable face at my camera ...
And Erin showing me a pretty yellow paper flower ...

There were lots of really nice new toys for Callaghan to play with.

Brendan is showing his dad the card that he made for Callaghan and giving explanation as to the pictures inside.

These two monkeys ... 

Look at Cal's pleased little face ...

Aidan announced that he was getting a haircut later that day! Dylan seemed surprised to find that out ... they've been meaning to schedule a haircut appointment for Aidan for a few weeks now. I told Aidan I might not recognize him Tuesday when I pick him up from preschool!

My side of the family (meaning the Holtzhouse branch) can NOT roll our tongues ... but the PAHMAN side can. Erin and Aidan demonstrated this talent to me very well. So did Brendan and Kaity, but they were too quick for me and I missed the picture.

I loved celebrating little Cal's birthday today. I'd like to stop time right here, put a hold on it so the kiddos stay young a bit longer, but I don't have the power to do that! I sure enjoy being with them.

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