Monday, May 30, 2022

May 29 White Pine Trail, Rockford

Sunday:  Emma and I took a little evening walk tonight out in Rockford on the White Pine Trail. It's so lovely out there with SO much to look at--no matter what season we are in, it's just a beautiful place to be. Emma brought her camera and took some very excellent pictures. She was using her long lens today and was able to capture some very cool shots. I had my camera with me too (!!), but I am not technical about the settings and I am sure I am not getting all that is possible from this camera as a result. 

Here are some of my favorite shots:

The Trail winds along next to the Rogue River for quite a long way. Some day I am going to walk farther north to see what I can see. I always get tired out at right about the 1.5 mile mark (I'm a bit wimpy) and then turn around and walk back to where I started. But I was noticing there are various parking lots along the way ... perhaps I should park in one of these places and then walk further up the Trail that way.

It was a deliciously beautiful afternoon/evening ... nice breeze, and perfect temps. There wasn't a whole lot of bikers out today either.

Both Emma and I got intrigued by the delicate wild flowers blooming along the path and stopped to see if we could actually get a good shot of them ...

I liked this glossy leaf very much ...

I think these lilac, pink and white flowers are my favorite.

Everything is SO lush and green right now--I just love to be outside at this time of year!
Near the end of our time walking, Emma spotted the cutest little critters hiding in the bushes along the pathway. We THINK they were young ground hogs, but not positive. There were two that were playing and hiding in the bushes. Emma kept trying to get a shot of their faces, but they were covered up by the thick brush. However, Emma did get ONE perfect shot of this chunky little critter when the leaf parted and there was its little face! 

So thankful to live so nearby such beauty!  

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