Sunday, March 25, 2018

Blessings abounding ...

Saturday, March 24:  Last week we decided that THIS week we would celebrate an EARLY birthday for Matthew. He had picked out his gifts on-line from (naturally), so he knew every little thing he was going to receive, PLUS he knew they had arrived at my house the prior week! It was too much to take--so we simply celebrated early.
 This is Kaity-Jane decorating my windows ... isn't she darling?

 What Matthew did not realize, however, was that I got him a few "extra" gifts. I had been wanting to get him something that said something about WHO HE IS, something that he could ENJOY on his own and be CREATIVE with. So the top box is that extra thing (or two) that I added and then completely neglected to take any pictures of it once it was opened. I'll explain later.
 We added a few ribbons to Kaity's hair ... 
 Kaity was completely enthused about the balloons. She and I played BAT THE BALLOON for at least an hour while LEGO building was going on. Matthew invited Chris to build one of the models (which was very kind of him) and then he would build the others.
This gave Kaity and I a lot of play time together.

 These are Ninjago Legos. I'm not crazy about them. Simply because ... they just look MEAN!

 Good building guys!

Matthew requested a chocolate ice-cream cake. So that is exactly what he received! 

We also gathered around the table and I told the kiddos the story of Palm Sunday, some of the events that led up to it, and some things that followed after. The children colored while I was teaching. It is the only (and I mean ONLY) way to actually get through a story with this tribe ... they simply must be doing something at the same time ...  
 You can kind of see the "extra" gift(s) I picked out for Matt to the left of him at the table. Friday, as I was driving to Meijer's to do my grocery shopping, I just asked the Lord ... "What else can I get Matthew? What would show him how much I love him?" AND about one second later (thanks, Lord) I was reminded how much Matthew enjoys drawing, painting, folding paper, making "books" while at my house. So I got him a BUNCH of art supplies and put them all in a nice plastic container for him. 
 I'm trying to remember what was included: Markers, a charcoal pencil set (with blenders), special erasers, scissors, Scotch tape, drawing pencils, a water-color set, water-color paper, several punches, pencil sharpeners, colored pencils (ones that will blend), and an entire rheam of paper ($3.47) all for himself! 
 Emma came over too. She ate dinner with us and then chose to spend the rest of the time in my room. She fell asleep, quite deeply, and must have needed it. I love you, Emma. I remember being almost 16 myself. I wouldn't want to repeat it for all the money in the world. Tough years. 
Pictures of Kaity and I just messing around on Photo Booth. I surely am one blessed grandma.

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