Saturday, March 3, 2018

Kaity and Matt tonight ...

Saturday, March 3:  I had Kaity and Matt over tonight. Christopher was invited to a birthday party, so he was busy getting ready to attend that; and Emma was involved with home work and other things too, so she stayed at home. It's OK. I need to learn to "let go" and realize (somehow) that Emma is growing up and has other interests. She knows I love her to pieces--I can't even put into words how precious she is to me! And Chris too! 
But Kaity and Matt DID come over and we had a really nice time together. Kaity loves to play. We hauled out the PlayMobile camping toys and had ourselves a lot of fun setting up the playground and all of the camping stuff. We had a little adventure with the family cooking and interacting. 
These are great toys, by the way, and not too expensive--worth every penny actually! There is a lot of play value in them. It was fun to just watch the two of them go at it for awhile. I think Matthew had fun with us tonight, even without Christopher being here. Sometimes those two can get on each others' nerves I think. It was rather peaceful here tonight! 

There are plenty of art supplies at hand, and it's great the way the kids know where everything is and just help themselves. I love to watch kids do art, don't you? They are so free and happy and they do wonderful pictures, I think. 
We also played in the play room (not pictured) with the marble run. Matthew made a very interesting one and then we had races.

So thankful for my grandchildren. What a wonderful privilege to spend time with them, listen to them, cook meals for them, love them. Thank you, Lord. 
When I brought Kaity and Matt back to their house, their Uncle Shane was over--Jesse was problem-solving a computer issue. It was nice to see Shane unexpectedly like that. And I got to see Emma for a little bit too. She was telling me about reading, "To Kill a Mockingbird" and how much she loved the story. This is one of my all-time favorite books! I read it in 7th grade. I have the exact same copy Emma has! I've decided to re-read it--it's been forever ago that I've read the story. I will think of my dear Emma as I read it ...

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