Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Delicious l'il baby

Monday, February 18:  So, this sweet little person came over to my house yesterday and entertained his grandma for a few hours ... never a dull moment with this delicious l'il baby boy. Here he is trying out the binoculars ...

 Doesn't he have the cutest and shortest little fat body you have ever seen in your life?!?!? Gah!
 Aidan's mama told me he enjoys dipping veggies in humus ... so here he is proving her exactly right!
 He did dip crackers and pretzels too (gluten free, naturally).
 Now and then, Aidan will play hide 'n seek with me ... cutie.
 Since we've had such a marvelous winter wonderland, I thought I'd take Aidan out for a walk in the sled. He was NOT having much to do with it, however ...
 I walked him around TWO blocks and his face never changed expression. He was thoroughly out of his element in the cold and I'm sure he thought I had lost my mind taking him out there ...

 I gave it up and brought us back inside the warm house. Aidan is almost two now and is into every living thing he can get his little hands on. Thankfully, there a lots of toys around here that he enjoys playing with. He absolutely LOVES these horses ...
 You can hear his little "neighing" sounds as he examines each little part of the horse, the rider, and the stable.

 Aidan is super good with his hands. His dexterity is excellent. He is also extremely mechanical. He did not get that from my side of the family ... no way.
 Aidan played and played with the little stables, the water pails, the brooms, all the little parts ... he enjoyed himself hugely.

 We got out the beads and made some necklaces for our animals ... and one for Aidan too, but he took it off immediately.
 We began work on a new train layout ... but didn't get it finished before Aidan ran off to do some cooking for the animals ...

Aidan Paul! You are such a JOY. What a nice afternoon we had together.

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