Sunday, March 24, 2019

Comstock Park High School Musical Theatre Presents ...

Sunday, March 24:  THE WIZARD OF OZ

I got to attend the 2:00 matinee of this fine production. I've never been super crazy about the storyline of this particular play (for various reasons that I will not divulge within this post) ... but having said that, this production of it was very well done and I enjoyed seeing it very much.

 The student who played Dorothy did an excellent job. Her voice even closely resembled Judy Garland's speaking and singing voice, including her dramatization of the character.
 The munchkins did a very fine job too!
 Here is the dear scarecrow ...

 And the wonderful tin man ...
 And the very funny and well-acted cowardly lion ...

 Emma played an "OZIAN" and in particular, she was a manicurist for our cowardly lion, as you will see as the pictures roll ...

 Here is Emma doing his nails ...

 Emma was in a few other scenes as well ... do you see her? She's the tall, pretty girl right there in the middle (below) ...

 I think the lion was my favorite ...

 But really, they all did amazing jobs at their parts ...

 Even the witches were good at their parts!

 There's Emma again--see her?

 And here is Emma taking a bow ... which gave me chills ...

 Here is the entire cast ...

 Emma with her Grandpa and Grandma Hand after the performance ...
 Good job, Emma. I love to see you so happy and involved in healthy, fun and good-for-you stuff! Your grandma is super proud of you ...
Love you so much, granddaughter!

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