Tuesday, November 28, 2023

November 26 with KT

Saturday Night:  I left Meijer Gardens and drove over to Jesse's to pick up Kaity for a few hours. We hung out over here, ate some sandwiches, watched a few "funny" animal videos and then drove over to Altitude. Kaity was very much hoping Ayden would be there too, but he was not. Another one of her friends (whose nickname is "Blueberry"--why? Because he has very dyed BLUE hair!) was there -- and did they EVER play rough! Yikes. Kaity has a LOT of rough-housing in her and doesn't back down a single bit. The only negative thing that happened tonight was one of the times when Kaity was "falling" off a platform onto a trampoline, her knee bumped her lip (with a lot of force), caused her lip to bleed and swell--so that was less than pleasant.

I took this picture with my phone BEFORE the crash between Kaity's knee and lip occurred. She loves it here at Altitude. For some reason, I think this will be her last year of "playing" this rough! She is still very much a child (this is good), but is so quickly becoming a young woman. Please help Kaity, Lord Jesus, to find her hope and strength, her love of life IN YOU who loves her eternally. Give her eyes of faith to see You working in her life and in the lives of those she loves. Please show her how to know You as her Savior and her King.

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