Sunday, September 29, 2019

Lunch and then Littles

Friday, September 27:  I had a routine physical examination downtown at my PCP Friday mid-morning, and then Dylan and I met for lunch. I don't even remember the last time he and I had a conversation ALONE ... so it was a welcomed event, for sure. We enjoyed a buffet at the Hong Kong just a few blocks from where Dylan works. It was SO GOOD to sit and visit with this youngest of sons. We talked over a lot of important stuff, and I felt more connected to him afterwards. 

We walked over to the library after we finished eating because Kellly and the Littles were there hanging out. I only snapped a few pictures of them while we talked for a little bit, and then everyone had to get on with their day. Darling Aidan was playing with the little trains (naturally).
 L'il darlin Erin was exploring everything in sight. She is such a little doll-baby.
 Look at her sweet little face. You are something, Erin! One of these days we are going to have to spend significant time together. I feel negligent of you, dear granddaughter. It will happen, though, I am positive it will.
Love you guys so much: Dylan, Kelly, Brendan, Aidan and Erin.

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