Wednesday, December 26, 2018

A two grandson Monday

Monday, December 24, Christmas Eve:  Mondays are AIDAN days, and usually Brendan is in school all day; but everyone is on Christmas break for the next two weeks--which meant I got to have TWO grandsons over to the Beach House today. Yes!
 The five-year difference is quite a big gap at this point for these little boys. Brendan spent some time drawing and cutting out pictures ...
 Aidan explored all over the place while Brendan was busy, and then the two of them played some trains together--kind of. Aidan is too little yet to understand the construction of a train layout. Everything is fair game as far as he is concerned--so he most often interrupts the design Brendan has in mind, which can be frustrating for both of them.

 I finally collected our tiny toddler and sat him in his special chair with some toys and snacks.
 I absolutely delight in this little boy. He is the dearest little chap. I could kiss his little face forever. He rarely lets me do that, however, unless he is so stinkin tired he can barely keep his eyes open.

 We had a busy three or four hours together before Kelly came to pick them up--but it was good to be with these little boys on Christmas Eve. What a privilege to care for these little lives.

After the boys went home, I cleaned up the house and got ready for our Christmas Eve service over at Calvary. It was beautiful--quiet, thoughtful, inclusive of little children, and candle-light at the end. Perfect. So thankful for Calvary Church and for all it does to bring glory to God.

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