Sunday, December 23, 2018

Kaity's cookies

Thursday, December 20:  Kaity and I had an interesting day. You see, Kaity had a half day of school today, so I was able (thankfully) to pick her up earlier than I usually do. Good thing, because tonight I need to bring her back to her house earlier than normal due to a funeral visitation I really must attend.

Kaity and I did a lot of playing tonight, mostly with our race cars and track in the playroom. Kaity rigged the track in a special way, making it a challenge for our little cars to get up the hill to the finish line. We had to test out each and every car to see WHO was the fastest and the best at her track. But I completely forgot to take any pictures of all of that fun! Rats.

Here are the pictures of Kaity decorating HER cookies that we are going to share Saturday when the other kiddos come over. She did such a nice job and she was SO careful too.

 Isn't she sweet?

 I love her happy little face in these bottom two pictures. I love you to pieces, Kaity-Girl!

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