Wednesday, October 30, 2019

An unusual Sunday

Sunday, October 27:  Since Emma and I had not returned home until 1:00 in the morning ... we opted (regretfully) to "view" Calvary on-line for our morning worship. It was good to be able to join in and hear God's Word and sing praises to Him but it wasn't the same as being there.

Emma and I hung out for awhile, ate lunch, and then I brought her back to her house and exchanged Emma for Kaity-Girl. I was exhausted from our weekend and prayed that Kaity would be happy for a shorter time at my house than she usually has on a Saturday afternoon.
 Kaity was VERY happy at my house. She played and played. Matey, naturally, was the center of her attention and affection--our little bird is very much loved!

 Kaity also was super into the Matchbox and Hotwheels cars today. Whew! She set up roads, tracks, races, and had herself a GOOD time. Thank you, Lord!

Since Kaity was due back to her house at 5:30 and Diana was fixing a big breakfast for dinner, I didn't feed Kaity a meal. Instead, we drove over to my local McD's where I treated Kaity to a small vanilla ice cream cone and then we played FOOSBALL! I love playing foosball with Kaity. She is so much fun. I'm going to look and see if I can obtain a table-top game for Christmas!

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