Thursday, October 10, 2019

Grandparents Day

Wednesday, October 9:  Today we celebrated Grandparents Day over at Trinitas. Brendan had spent the night with me and we drove over in the early morning, all the way across town, delighting in the "low clouds" along our route. 
 Brendan is doing a home school cooperative this year with Trinitas. He attends class here only three afternoons per week. He is much more relaxed with this schedule, and more like his happy self. 
 I got to visit Brendan's class and sit with him at his desk. Brendan got to interview me about my life as a child--we had a fun time doing that.

 In Science, they are learning about rocks, dirt and silt, etc. We did a little sand project and ended up making a volcano out of ours. The sand has been mixed with "matrix" and will harden after a couple of days. It was very fun to sit at Brendan's desk and get our hands covered with the soft sand and just chat with each other.
Thanks for inviting me to school, Brendan!

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