Sunday, October 13, 2019

The corn maze ... and cousins!

Saturday, October 12:  We finally made it over to the corn maze @ Schwallier's, along with half the population of Grand Rapids (or so it seemed). Two days ago, it was in the 60's and quite pleasant. TODAY, it was 42 degrees, windy, with an occasional drizzle mixed in. However, by the time we got out to the farm, the sun had broken through and we were all set to go.
I'm not good at mazes--first of all because I am slightly (!!) directionally challenged. I've never entered a corn maze and had any idea how to get from the entry to the exit. Thankfully, this fact doesn't seem to bother the grandchildren. 
 It was Kaity, Emma, and me today ... Kaity was, as always, on the move ... it was hard to keep up with her.
 I didn't take very good pictures ... you can see that I am following behind ... how many pictures do I want of Emma's back or Kaity's?

 The picture below was taken from up on the bridge, which gave us a good view of the corn field and adjoining orchard.

 Schwallier's is a great place, and we love it there.

 Emma was all set to dress up like a scarecrow, but her straw hat would NOT stay put in the wind, and her scarecrow make-up was misplaced somewhere. So she went dressed like half a scare crow and looked very pretty doing it.
 We were leaving the corn maze, waiting for the wagon to return us to the main area, when I turned around and spied ... Dylan and Brendan coming out of the maze! YES! So we joined up with these guys for a little while. It was so much fun to run into them here.

 Baby Erin was dressed in layers ... but it was still pretty cold for her. 

 I love these pictures of Dylan, Erin and Kelly.

 I learned from Kelly that Aidan isn't afraid of swings at all. He just doesn't like being PUSHED but prefers being PULLED. Yikes. Wish I'd known that months ago! So I got to PULL Aidan on this swing with him giggling like crazy.

It was extra special sharing our time at Schwallier's with these dearies! 

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