Monday, December 21, 2020

December 20 Another beautiful walk

Sunday:  Here it is, one day before the winter solstice, and there is ZERO snow--nor have we had ANY accumulating snow so far ... very weird ... because we usually get quite a few decent snowfalls even in November and sometimes we even have a white Halloween! The one positive aspect about the no snow thing, though, is that driving has not had that added hazard--so that's been good.

Emma and I decided to take a stoll--it really cannot be called a HIKE--just briefly, through Lamereaux Trail this afternoon. It's been years since we checked this place out. The last time, the boys were with us--so it has to be somewhere around 3+ years ago.
Emma chose the trail to the LEFT because we had never walked that way before. It led us directly to the Grand River and it only took two minutes! So we walked along a very skinny and ridiculously narrow pathway one step from falling into the river ...

See what I mean about it being a narrow trail?
I got some super pretty pictures of dear Emma at this spot ...

And then we turned ourselves around, traced our few steps, and took a different trail--one that had a sign that read: TRAIL CLOSED. Those are my favorite kind anyway.
Emma decided to see how thick/thin the ice was in this area ...

She found out that it was perhaps 1/4" thick--not good enough to put any weight on, but fun to watch as it cracked and sunk down down down ...
Even though this is a rather color-less time of year, God's beauty is everywhere! What an amazing Creator we have.
Here is a series of pictures ... I was absolutely SURE Emma was going to slip off this log and into the water--but I wasn't worried because it was very shallow water!

But Emma did not waver ... she did squat down for a few minutes ...

She tested out the ice here and found it to be very thin too ...

And then she was right back up!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE these pictures of Emma! She has a beautiful smile ... and I love her so much.

Our shadows ...

Isn't this a great spot?

It was another clear, crisp day to walk and I am so thankful we took the time to enjoy it! Thank you, Lord!

I'm so glad you made trees, Lord!

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