Friday, July 12, 2019

Goats, Pigs, Deer, Elk ...

Thursday, July 11:  I have a ridiculous amount of pictures of Deer Park Junction! I couldn't help myself. I LOVE THIS PLACE. The goats are SO funny. There are pygmy goats, long-eared goats ... in fact, we saw TWO baby pygmies that had been born just that afternoon! I did not get good pictures of those little guys, however. They stayed very close to their mama.
 This white goat came charging across the field, desperately fearful he would miss out on a carrot ... he nudged the others away and was quite rude about it too!
 The pigs!
 Baby pigs too! The adult pigs are a bit TOO large for me ... Kaity thought the same.
 But the babies are cute.
 THIS miniature house is Kaity's favorite spot. She loved it last year too. She loves to climb up into the loft and put the babies to bed. I love how she does this.

The house is very nicely built. It would be wonderful to live on a farm and have a playhouse like this, wouldn't it?

 Kaity! You are the funniest little kid sometimes!

 The deer and elk used to be a separate fee in years past ... but since they increased the admission price, they have combined both sides into one! I'm kind of glad about that.
 We still had some carrots left to feed the elk. The worker told us this elk's name ... but I've forgotten already. I think it was MABLE?

 Beautiful creatures!

They were all quite nice about us reaching through the fence to touch them. They were very soft ... kind of like touching a piece of felt. 

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