Friday, November 29, 2019

LEGO model of downtown Grand Rapids

Wednesday, November 27:  Brendan and I were at the public museum this afternoon and we got to see the LEGO model of downtown Grand Rapids (circa 1922) ... except I don't think the Wealthy Street bridge was painted BLUE at that time ... well, anyway ...
 It's an incredibly well-done model, just beautiful. Brendan and I walked around and around it. We had a little sheet of paper that had listed some objects we were suppposed to find. I should have photographed them, because we DID find them all (after a prolonged and serious search--Brendan was not leaving until he found the person who was making their bed!).
 There were a couple of working trollies that were going around on the tracks, which made the entire model come alive.
 This is the Pearl Street bridge (below) ... do you see the 1922 marking on it? Hmm. So that's when the bridge was built, but the entire model is not necessarily modeled from that year--ah!
 One of the objects on our "find list" was a person on a staircase. Do you see him falling off head-first in the picture below? We were also supposed to find a guy dressed up like a hot-dog (!!), a few people kissing (!!), a white dog, and I forget what else.
 Oh! The seagull (on the roof below) ...

Anyway, it was super cool to walk around this model for awhile. It was interesting to see how determined and how patient Brendan was in checking off the list of objects to find. He does not give up easily!

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