Wednesday, July 22, 2020

July 21 swimming with three

Tuesday:  I debated many weeks now but finally got up enough courage (or stupidity) to take these three munchkins over to Versluis Park to swim. It's been SO hot, and COVID has restricted so much of the other fun stuff we can do on an ordinary basis ...

I wasn't sure how Erin would do at a lake. Initially, she wasn't too thrilled with the sand in between her toes and she didn't venture beyond her ankles. But after the initial shock, she did exactly what I had figured she would do (which was the reason for my fear) ... she just plunged in, head to toe, needless of drowning or any danger whatsoever! I don't have pictures of that because ... she would have drowned!
 Aidan kept to his usual behavior pattern ... very cautious ... overly so ... he was NOT going to go past his ankles ... NO WAY in the world.

 Brendan, bless his dear heart, was like a FISH ... an extremely happy one I might add. He swam and swam and swam. He seemed delighted. My heart soared with his ...

 Brendan did conclude, though (after wearing the goggles I had given him for about a half hour) that he didn't like "the way my eyes felt" when he was looking underwater with them on. So he returned them to me and went back to swimming without them. 

 I pretty much kept my eyes GLUED to Miss Ireland ... she just wanders hither and yon without a car or concern in the world ... oh, to be that carefree ...
 Aidan FINALLY got in passed his knees! Yay, Aidan! He kills me.
There are TWO playgrounds at the park--one in the sun and one in the shade. After our swim time, we headed over to the shaded area.

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