Wednesday, June 2, 2021

June 1 A few pictures at my house

Tuesday:  The kiddos do really well during the hours they play at my house. They know the ropes! They know where to find every little thing that they love to play with! I'm so glad!

These MagnaQuibix are an expensive toy--remember--my cousin Annie sent me THREE separate sets of them! What an amazing gift this has been for my little ones. They build and build with them. I love them too!

Aidan was very proud of his GI-GUNDO house, super pleased!
Erin doesn't build quite as much as Aidan does--probably because when she attempts to build, Aidan immediately steals whatever blocks/tiles/cubes she is using. She gives in to him pretty easily--but I often am sad for her. She just moves on to something else and waits for when Aidan has tired of playing with a certain toy and then she claims some space and builds stuff too.

I love my little house because, even when I am "fixing" something for us to eat, the kiddos are never far away.
Erin decided to make herself completely comfortable and at home while she waiting for her eats.

Erin kills me.
Brendan was playing with one of my word games while he was waiting for his pasta to heat up.

Matey is always, always, ALWAYS close by ...
Aidan ate his usual chips and goldfish and chocolate milk today ... no surprises there. He also totally bombed on the potty thing. I TRIED to remind him ... but he just wasn't interested in the entire process today ... so I did a LOT of changing!
Aidan always makes himself a layout every week too ... this week, he was quite content with a rather small oval.
We also watched a video ... about 5 little puppies and some treasure in Egypt. I can't remember the name of it, but Brendan really likes this story. Brendan was quiet today and not as interactive with the other kiddos this week. Perhaps he was just tired. Anyway, we did have a good 5 hours just playing here at the Beach House.

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