Saturday, June 12, 2021

June 10 Kaity Time

Thursday:  It's been HOT HOT HOT the last few days--the sticky icky kind of HOT. My friend, Brenda, invited Kaity and I to come over and swim in her community pool (at her condo). I neglected to take any pictures of us in the pool (!!), but here are two of Kaity on the playground while we were waiting for Brenda to arrive at the pool.

We got to swim about 35 minutes before bad weather set in. We could see dark clouds closing in and we finally did hear thunder. Out! We were quickly out of the pool because of the thunder. Kaity was very reluctant to leave the pool. It's really a beautiful, nicely kept pool--big enough and deep enough to enjoy swimming and playing. Brenda says we can come any time we would like!
Kaity and I drove back to my place and played for a long time tonight--just our usual stuff that we do. It was pretty hot here, so we did NOT do much that was physical. 
We DID play three games of UNO and Kaity won every single game! What a rascal. She was super pleased about her wins.

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