Sunday, December 1, 2019

The first day of Advent

Sunday, December 1:  Emma spent the night last night. It began raining late evening, and poured all night long ... BUT I awoke at 7:00 AM to NO power and SNOW (with ice underneath). Having no power slowed us down a bit this morning, but we got ourselves ready for church, ate breakfast, and were out the door in good time. I grabbed my camera and snapped a few pictures of the house before we left for church.

The first week of Advent we remember HOPE, so the hope candle was lit and Scriptures that speak of our hope in Christ were read. It was lovely.

Emma and I ate a quick lunch out, since we weren't sure my power had been restored--but as we drove through the streets to my house we realized it HAD come back on! Yes! We sat at our round table and heard the second half (the sad part) of the life and reign of King Joash. It's one of the most sobering stories I have ever read (II Kings 11 and II Chronicles 24). What a mess Joash made of his life once his dear uncle and father-figure Jehoiada died (at age 130!).  King Joash messed up so bad that when he died (he was murdered in his bed), he was denied the honor of being buried in the tombs of the kings. Also, he is never mentioned in Matthew's geneology of Christ (although he was the ONLY surviving member of David's line at one time). Jesus references this sad story in Matthew's Gospel (chapter 23) when he reminds the Pharisees of the murder of Jehoiada's son, Zedekiah. I'm glad Jesus remembered righteous Zedekiah! Emma continued her artwork from our previous episode involving wicked Queen Athaliah--she's doing a really excellent job with it. Next week, if God is willing, we'll study the son of King Joash. We've been studying the kings and prophets now for 35 lessons! Thank you, Lord, for teaching us from Your wonderful Word.

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