Monday, March 23, 2020

March 21

Saturday:  I writing this post on Monday afternoon (3/23). Had I known that Michigan's governor was going to put an order in effect stating that everyone in the state is to essentially STAY HOME and ISOLATE, I might have treasured these few hours more with my dear Kaity.
As it is, we did have ourselves a really happy four hours together for which I am grateful. It was a "mild" but cold afternoon, so we began by flying paper airplanes outside--always a fun pasttime in my opinion. 
 Since Kaity is so athletic, flying airplanes is right up her alley. She has a good arm for throwing and a good grasp of flight too. We had so much fun. Kaity ran inside and got our pre-made paper plane supply, and then we proceeded to fly them all.

 I loved this time with you Kaity-dear! You are a lot of fun to be around.

 But it did get chilly outside, so we finally came in where we could play with Matey. Kaity discovered a few days ago that Matey LOVES plastic straws--it is his favorite new toy!

 It is so much fun to watch Matey run after a straw that has been thrown on the ground.
 Kaity also discovered that Matey likes nibbling on people's toes! OUCH.

 Matey is a well-loved little birdie ...

 We also played in our tent for awhile in the playroom ...
 ... along with all of our alphabet robots.
 Kaity's last request was to play PlayDoh and make food for baby Lily to eat. So we did that too!

 We usually end our time together eating a Kit-Kat. Kaity breaks apart the sections: she keeps THREE and hands me ONE--which is as it should be for this grandma who is trying NOT to get fat in her old age.
I love you so much, Kaity. It's going to be a very L--O--N--G three weeks in isolation. I will pray for your little heart, Kaity and I will miss you.

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