Tuesday, March 24, 2020

March 24

Tuesday:  Day #2 of "Stay Home."  My alarm rang at the usual 6:21, I hit the snooze once, then I shut the alarm off altogether. I did finally wake fully up at 7:50 and got up to start my day. Tuesdays are usually "alone" days, so there is nothing UNusual about today, right? 

I'm continuing to work through our Bible study in I & II Thessalonians. Today's study (and the next two as well) was about "God's Righteous Judgment." I loved doing the "homework" this morning. First, I got my hot tea and honey all ready, THEN I put on my I-tunes to some Chris Rice piano, playing favorite hymns--a nice, quiet album.

We were asked first to DEFINE "righteous" and judgment". Through various study tools I have here at home, I found that "righteous" means (old English) right-WISE--a state of being right or right conduct. It has a lot to do with God's judgments being without prejudice or partiality, His character as Judge, His ways and doings.
 Cross-referencing led me to some beautiful passages, i.e. Revelation 15:3-4:

They sang the song of Moses, the servant of God and the song of the Lamb:
"Great and marvelous are Your deeds,
Lord God Almighty.
Just and true are Your ways,
King of the ages!
Who will not fear You, O Lord, and bring glory
to Your Name?
For You ALONE are holy!
All nations will come before You--
for Your righteous acts have been revealed."

 And how about Psalm 111? The entire Psalm is filled with praise to God for His righteousness! Here are some of the phrases:

Great are the works of the LORD:
they are pondered by all who delight in them.
Glorious and majestic are His deeds--
His righteousess endures forever!
He has caused His wonders to be remembered;
the LORD is gracious and compassionate.

The works of His hands are faithful and just!
All His precepts are faithful!
Holy and Awesome is His Name!
To Him belongs eternal Praise!!

When I was finished with my homework, I wrote out a prayer update email to the ladies in my MNBS small group. I cleaned up around the house. I cut up a bunch of broccoli and nuked it. I cooked a whole bag of mini-carrots. I made some Pasta-Roni to add to the broccoli for lunch, and it was yummy. I started reading the novel, "The Exodus" while I ate lunch. Then I went outside in the yard and worked raking dead, nasty leaves and bagging them up for more than an hour--but that was fun actually. After supper, I took a 2.2 mile walk through the golf course that is kind of close by my house since the weather was pretty mild today. And I just now hung up from FaceTiming Ruthanne and Terry, and it is now 9PM! I am very thankful to be alive today and for the good things God provided all throughout my day.

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