Tuesday, March 10, 2020

March 9

Monday: The Littles were here today, and what JOY they bring to my little Beach House. These two are a riot. Not much changes from week to week: we do our train tracks--and Aidan actually pronounced "TRACKS" today for the first time that I have ever heard! Good job, Aidan! We still played with the "Fwains" but that's OK!
 Little Erin Lucia really enjoys eating--yay! It's nice to have at least one of the kiddos who likes to eat! She is eating Cheddar Veggie Straws for a snack in this picture. Look at her rosy cheeks.

 Aidan has been doing most of the track laying himself lately. Now and then he runs into problems with the engineering of the whole thing and then he'll request assistance.
 Matey-Boy joined us for lunch. We gave him a sample of our mac 'n cheese, a part of a veggie straw, and some lettuce. He was only interested in the lettuce.
 Erin is fascinated with Matey, and she is super friendly to him.

 And THIS little curl in THIS little girl is the cutest thing ...

 Matey got very friendly with Erin today, landing on her arm several times to be kissed by her dear little lips.

 I had Matey on my finger for a bit and asked Aidan if he wanted me to bring him over to him for a kiss, but Aidan rejected that idea in no uncertain terms backing his chair up as he talked ...
 For such a jovial jokester of a kiddo, you sure can be wimpy about animals, Aidan! That's OK! We love you to pieces anyway!
 It's your birthday in TWO more days ... oh my!
*   *   *   *   *
PS  I did get a call from my physician office today regarding the ultrasound I had on my abdomen last week. They are referring me out to a gastroenterologist for an MRI to get a closer look at the two lesions found on my pancreas. SO ... all of us, every single person on earth is somewhere in the middle of dying ... my appointment with death might just be sooner than later. Ah, it's OK. I would only fall asleep in Jesus for a little while but I would right away get to see Him and be WITH Him. I'm truly okay with that. 

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