Monday, March 30, 2020

March 30

Monday:  Today I FORCED myself to get up no later than 7am so that I could keep to a better time schedule. It helped initially, but the day still kind of dragged ... I am truly struggling with this "social distancing" thing, a lot more than I thought I would! I'm used to living alone and I actually enjoy ALONE time ... but having no end in sight is a bit difficult for me.

Since Monday's usually involved MNBS, my small group met together via-ZOOM from 7PM until about 8:15 catching up with each other and praying for each other too. Next week, we are actually going to try to cover a little bit of our lesson together.

After I finished ZOOM-ing with the ladies from MNBS, I arranged to "meet" with Kaity-Girl. Diana handed her phone to Kaity and we were able to see each other and chat for about 20 minutes! Kaity was walking around most of the time--I was getting dizzy--but it was worth it. I did get to say "hi" briefly to Emma, even briefer to Chris, and also a tiny bit with Jesse! It was wonderful to see them and give smiles to them.

I am going to really need to buckle down and pray for His strength in the coming days and weeks. I feel super vulnerable to depression. I need to remember what Paul says here in 2 Thess. 2.16 &17: "May our Lord Jesus Christ HIMSELF and God our Father who loved us and by His grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word." I need courage, and hope, and strength! He is says He will give these things to me HIMSELF. Thank you, Lord.

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