Thursday, September 10, 2020

September 10 Quiet thoughts

 Thursday morning:  At Calvary, we've entered a study on the book of REVELATION. Pastor has encouraged us to read it out loud because right from the get-go, the book says you will receive a special blessing if you do that. I'm all for special blessings, so I've been reading it out loud in the mornings, sometimes repeating the same chapter several days in a row.

This morning, as I was reading chapters two and three out loud I came to this sentence seven different times, because Jesus says it when he is writing his letter to each of the seven churches. This is what He said:

"Anyone who is willing to hear should listen to the Spirit and understand what the Spirit is saying to the churches."

I have always had a huge block (enormous, insurmountable) when it comes to God's Spirit. Partly, I think, because the version of the Bible that I used as a child was the King James Version and God's Spirit was always referred to as the Holy Ghost. Ghosts always seemed creepy to me as a kid, very scary in fact; so when the Holy Ghost was mentioned, I shied away and couldn't get past it. I've never gotten past it. I've never even begun to understand that part of God. In truth, I understand extremely little of what it means to worship a TRIUNE God--but that's Who He IS.

Anyway, this morning as I was reading Revelation 2 and 3 out loud, with Matey as an audience, and came across that same directive from Jesus about being WILLING TO HEAR and LISTENING to the Spirit and UNDERSTANDING the Spirit, I was very provoked. I think I am willing to hear ... but not from a Ghost!

Thankfully, God met me right here. He led me to go and play my piano. I went to the index and looked up SPIRIT and began to play a hymn written by Daniel Iverson (stanza 1) and Lowell Alexander (stanzas 2 and 3). Mr. Iverson wrote the music. But look at how God's Spirit is described--it helped me so much.


(1)  Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me (repeat). Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me. Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me.

(2)  Soul of heaven, heart of God, wash over me (repeat). Cleanse me, teach me, hold me, reach me. Soul of heaven, heart of God, wash over me.

(3)  Holy presence, love divine, cast out my fear (repeat). Shield me, free me, call me, lead me. Holy presence, love divine, cast out my fear.

God's soul, God's heart, His holy presence, His divine love! Isn't that a better way to describe God's Spirit than GHOST? "Ghost" always conjured up dead images to me! In truth, God's Spirit is the opposite of DEAD. God's Spirit is the heart and soul of the LIVING God. I know it sounds foolish, but I am so comforted by these descriptions of God's Spirit. I do want the HEART and SOUL and PRESENCE and LOVE of God to fall fresh on me, wash over me, and cast out my fear! I want Him to melt me, mold, fill and use me. I want to be cleansed, taught, held and reached! I want Him to shield me, free and call me, and lead me in His way. 

Thank you, Lord, for giving me this passage of Scripture and this song this morning.

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