Wednesday, September 23, 2020

September 22 Aidan Paul at the playground

 Tuesday:  Well, these first THREE pictures are not at the playground. These are Aidan pretending to be a POUTY-POUT ... but notice the third picture ...

Aidan could NOT keep a pouty face for more than 5 seconds! He is cracking himself up!
Aidan has come a long way this year with his physical skills (!!!). He was a total wimp last year at the playground. But THIS year, he is a different little boy!
I love these pictures of him so much ... I can barely contain myself! How I manage to return him to Dylan and Kelly each Tuesday evening is a minor miracle ... Aidan! I love you so much, dear little giggly person!

This year, Aidan wants me blast him to the moon when I push him on the swings ... 

This child absolutely KILLS me ...

I don't ever ever get tired of looking at this dear face ... those cheeks ... he is lucky little fellow that I haven't kissed them right off his face.

Dear, dear child ... your "gwamma" loves you to pieces.

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