Monday, August 5, 2019

Kaity, the camel charmer

Saturday, August 3:  We purchased our usual cup of carrots to feed to the animals. Kaity was busy climbing and tunneling, so I laid a carrot down on the top of the fence to see which camel would come first. I believe this is APRIL.
 Isn't she darling? Look at her beautiful face!
 Kaity (and all of Jesse's kiddos) has a special way with animals. She simply is not one single bit afraid of them ... but more than that, she RELATES to them and them to her!
 Can you see that both Kaity and the camel are laughing in the picture below? I'm serious!
 Kaity is very gentle and speaks love to April ... it's super darling to watch.
 Here they are laughing again! 

 I just loved this entire encounter Kaity had with April. It was super precious.

 These two look like best buddies!

Ah, Kaity ... you are quite the camel charmer!

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